QEMS Policy
Quality and Environmental Policy
ABG INTERNATIONAL LOGISTICS, S.L, within its mission to become a leading company as a LOGISTICS OPERATOR, adopts the commitment to comply with customer requirements, environmental protection, and sustainable development, respecting current legislation. This commitment is materialized through the implementation of a QEMS management system, whose principles are as follows:
- PROVIDE services that equally meet customer demands in the areas of ecology, service safety, economy, environment, and quality.
- COMPLY WITH current legal requirements applicable to the environment, quality, and other requirements that the organization subscribes to, as well as other specific commitments relevant to the organization’s context, such as the code of conduct and internal standards, taking them into account when making strategic decisions in the company.
- CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT of the Integrated Management System, performance, and company activity regarding the environment and quality. In this sense, the participation of all employees, collaboration with suppliers, and any company or entity with which agreements are maintained is fundamental.
- PREVENTION of environmental protection, including pollution and non-quality prevention, making evidence-based decisions and being rigorous in the implementation of the integrated QEMS management system in order to control and ensure continuous improvements applied.
- INFORM customers, suppliers, and employees continuously, as appropriate.
- EXTEND this policy to the company’s contractors, introducing these criteria in service contracts, supplies, and the own production processes of the activity.
- PROMOTE the participation of all employees in the processes of the company.
- ALLOCATE the necessary resources in TRAINING to raise awareness among staff about the importance and impact of their work in meeting service and environmental requirements.
- PROMOTE equal opportunities, ethical behavior, development of new technologies, processes, and work methods that contribute to improving the quality of services to customers and the environment.
- ESTABLISH, MAINTAIN, REVIEW, AND UPDATE established objectives and goals in order to continuously improve goods and service to our customers and the environment.
By signing this document, the Management COMMITS to lead, promote, and maintain this POLICY, as well as to provide all necessary means to achieve this objective.
The management communicates this Policy to all levels and functions of the company, ensuring that it is communicated, understood, implemented, and available to all relevant stakeholders as appropriate.
Antonio Beneroso
May 8, 2023